On Oct 28, 2014, I’ll be giving a talk on lean startups at Google in Zurich. Reto Lämmler from Testing Time will also be there to share his experience in building a lean startup.
You can sign up at the Venture Lab page and download my slides here.
Even if you can’t make it to the talk, I recommend that you read the book by Eric Ries: The Lean Startup
And if you want to delve deeper into this topic, I recommend the Lean Startup Machine. It will teach you everything you need to build your own lean startup in one weekend.
I’ve hosted my own version of the Lean Startup Machine, called Lean Startup Factory. There are no upcoming events planned, but if there is enough interest we can change that.
In the meantime, I recommend reading the other books that you see in my bookshelf. They are all great and belong to every entrepreneur’s library.
Start with Getting Real from 37 signals and then 4-hour workweek (both my copies are lost at a friend’s place). Remeber to read them with a pinch of salt. You’re not likely build a business on just four hours a week, but a lot of his ideas are really going to help you anyway.
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The slides are also on SlideShare now:
And you can find Reto’s slides there too: