Share SDL Trados Studio 2009 Projects

Are you using any SDL Server products? Are you working in a team of more than one project manager or translator?

How do you share your SDL Trados Projects, Translation Memories and Terminology Lists? Did you think this is not possible without a Trados Server Product?

You might be wrong. Below you can see how we at Supertext are doing it.


First, you need a shared network drive on a server or on any workstation that is constantly online.

Make sure this drive is mapped on every PC the same way. You do not need to assign a special drive letter, you can just use the name of that PC. Obviously every team member needs access to this folder.

In our case we named it like this:


We then created the following folder structure:

Trados\SDL MultiTerm\Termbases

Trados\SDL Trados Studio\Projects

Trados\SDL Trados Studio\Translation Memories

You might notice that this is the standard Trados folder structure on your workstation. We figured it makes it easier for everybody to stay with what people are used to.

This is pretty much all there is. Just place your projects into the Projects folder, the TM into the Translation Memories folder and the Termbase into the Termbases folder.

This way everybody can access and update all  TM and Termbases without the need for an expensive Trados Server Product. You can also open all Return Packages, no matter if you created the inital Project or not. Just load the original Project first.

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3 Kommentare zu “Share SDL Trados Studio 2009 Projects”

  • GB Translation am 2. December 2011 11:14 am Uhr

    Thanks for the information. SDL Trados is so hard to figure out sometimes, so it’s good that you’re trying to help fellow translators.

  • Nicolas Martinez am 23. April 2012 10:04 am Uhr

    We are also sharing projects/file TMs with about 30 translators in Cork/Seattle on a mirrored network drive, not using the package workflow for projects which would represent a big overhead for us.

    Important: Make sure you make a manual copy of the .sdlproj after you prepare a project as corruption of this file might occur and you’d have to re-create the whole project if you didn’t make that backup!

    Known issues: because statistics (progress in Files view, TM settings, etc.) are stored in this file shared by multiple people, if a translator makes changes, those might be later overwritten by someone else’s working on the project. This means progress % in the Files view is never 100% accurate and translators shouldn’t have to change project settings and if they do, remember to re-check/apply change(s) next time they reopen the project.

  • Rémy Blättler am 24. April 2012 3:52 am Uhr

    Our freelancers are all external, so we need the package workflow for them. Sharing a drive with 300 freelancers would be a bit difficult 🙂
    But thanks a lot for your comment.

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