Sending individual pages for translation to Supertext is easy if you use our Drupal plugin. But it’s not rocket science to order multiple pages at once either. I’ll explain the steps below.

To order multiple pages at once with the Supertext Drupal translation plugin, first go to the Translation admin interface. It’s usually named “Translation” in your Drupal admin console. There click on the “Sources” tab.

Here choose the “Content” filter on the right upper corner. Now you can select all pages you want to have translated. You might want to filter them by language first.
Unfortunately you can’t go from one page of content list to the next. Your selection will be lost. You can however show more entries per page to simply this process.
When you are ready, just press “Request translation”.

Add a helpful label (Order title), select how quickly you need it back and scroll all the way down. Here press “Submit to translator” (not “Save job”) and you are done.