Welcome to the wonderful world of GroupShare! At Supertext, you’ll come across two types of projects: file-based projects and server-based projects. Our server-based projects are hosted on GroupShare. To work on GroupShare projects, you first need to add the GroupShare server in Trados. You then need to download the project from our GroupShare server. Please follow the instructions below.
Please note: GroupShare is only compatible with Trados 2019 or later. However, we recommend that you work with Trados 2021 or later.
How do I know if a project is on GroupShare?
After you’ve accepted the job, the job page on the Supertext portal will display the following:

How to add the GroupShare server in Trados
Step 1:
In Trados, click “File“

Step 2:
Click “Setup” and then “Servers“

Step 3:
Click “Add“

Step 4:
Enter the following details:

Server Address
IMPORTANT: Make sure to tick the “This server requires a secure connection (SSL)” box.
Step 5 a:
Get your API authentication token.
First: Go to your Settings page https://www.supertext.ch/freelancer/accountsettings , scroll all the way to the bottom to the section “API authentication tokens” and click on New API token.
Second: Create a label for the “New API token”. This is not the password. Click the checkmark to create the API token.
Third: The API token will appear as a series of numbers and letters. This is the password. Clicking the icon at the end will copy the token.
Step 5 b:
Enter your user credentials.
Paste this API token you just generated into the password field in Trados to connect to GroupShare.

Login Provider: GroupShare Authentication.
Username: The email address used for your Supertext account.
Password: Your API token, which you can generate here here https://www.supertext.ch/freelancer/accountsettings
Make sure that you copy this series of numbers and letters and paste it into the password field.
Once you’ve entered these details, click “Finish”.
The pop-up should now look like this. Make sure there is a green tick in front of the server name. Click “Close” and follow the steps below to open a GroupShare project.

How to open a GroupShare project
Once you’ve followed the steps above to set up the GroupShare server, you can now open your GroupShare project. There are two ways you can open a GroupShare project: via a link on the job page in our freelancer portal, or directly in Trados.
Opening a GroupShare project via the job page on the Supertext portal
Step 1:
Accept the job in the Supertext system. Once you’ve accepted the job, you’ll see the following information box:

Step 2:
Click on the “Click here to open this GroupShare project” link. This will open Trados.
Step 3:
Select a location to save the project in. Make sure it’s somewhere safe, such as a dedicated GroupShare folder, rather than just your downloads folder. Once you’ve done that, click “Finish”.

Step 4:
Find the project in the “Projects”view.
Double-click on the project to view it in the “Files”view.
Step 5:
You need to check out the file before you can start working on it. This downloads the project from the GroupShare server. To do so, click the “Check Out” button. Depending on your screen size, this will either appear as a button with the words “Check Out”:
or (on smaller screens) as a small square with a blue arrow:
Step 6:
You can now start working on the project. Once you’ve finished the job, you have to check it back in. To do so, simply click “Check In” or the corresponding arrow button, as depicted in the screenshots above. You can also leave a comment about the translation at this point.
You then need to go back to the job page on the Supertext portal and click the green “Finish job” button. Please note: the green “Finish job” button will only appear after you have checked the file in.
Opening a GroupShare project in Trados
Step 1:
In the “Projects”view, click on the “Open Project” button in the Trados GroupShare section of the toolbar:
Step 2:
Make sure Supertext’s GroupShare server is selected in the dropdown list:
Step 3:
Select your project from the project list and click “Next“.
Step 4:
Select a location to save the project in. Make sure it’s somewhere safe, such as a dedicated GroupShare folder, rather than just your downloads folder. Once you’ve done that, click “Finish”.

Step 5:
Find the project in the “Projects”view.
Double-click on the project to view it in the “Files”view.
Step 6:
You need to check out the file before you can start working on it. This downloads the project from the GroupShare server. To do so, click the “Check Out” button. Depending on your screen size, this will either appear as a button with the words “Check Out”:
or (on smaller screens) as a small square with a blue arrow:
Step 7:
You can now start working on the project. Once you’ve finished the job, you have to check it back in. To do so, simply click “Check In” or the corresponding arrow button, as depicted in the screenshots above. You can also leave a comment about the translation at this point.
You can then go back to the job page on the Supertext portal and click the green “Finish job” button. Please note: the green “Finish job” button will only appear after you have checked the file in.
GroupShare FAQs
A restart often solves many Trados/GroupShare issues – you should always try this first.
I can’t log in to GroupShare in Trados.
First, check that you have entered the correct server details. Is the server address correct? It should be “groupshare.supertext.com”. Make sure the “Login Provider” is set to “SDL Authentication”.
Have you checked the SSL tick box? Is the port number correct?

Are your login details correct? Make sure to use the same email address that you used to create your Supertext account. Also, make sure you are using your API key, rather than another password: you can find it here: https://www.supertext.ch/freelancer/accountsettings .
I’ve set up the GroupShare server in Trados, and have accepted the job on the Supertext system. However, I can’t check out the file, as it says “You do not have the required permissions”.
Restart Trados. This usually solves the issue. If not, wait ten minutes and try restarting again.
If a restart didn’t work, please remove the project from your Trados, restart Trados and reopen the project via the “Open Project” button in the Trados GroupShare section of the toolbar:
If this still hasn’t resolved the issue, contact the language manager in charge of the order.
I can’t see the project in the list of projects/open the project/check out the files.
Follow the steps above. If they do not solve the issue, please email the language manager responsible for the job.
GroupShare is compatible with Trados 2015 and above, and is not compatible with other CAT tools. If you have an older version or another CAT tool, please contact the language manager.
I can’t check in the files
Save your work and restart Trados.
If this doesn’t resolve the issue, please locate the project’s sdlxliff files. In the “Files” view, select a file and click the “Explore Containing Folder” button in the ribbon at the top.
Please then contact the language manager in charge of the project. They will tell you how to upload the sdlxliff files containing your work.
I’ve checked in the file, but the green “Finish job” button hasn’t appeared on the job page.
Click on the “refresh” button on the job page.

2 Kommentare zu “GroupShare guide”
Do I have to check in each file before the translated segments appear in the TM?
I had to translate for instance two rather similar files, but when I opened the second one, non of the previous appeared, if where it should be 100% match?
Thanks in advance for your help.
No, the segments should show up before your check-in the files. But you have to confirm the segments with Ctrl + Enter.