We introduced an online editor which enables translators to do their work in the browser. This comes in handy when you don’t have any CAT software installed on your computer. […]

We introduced an online editor which enables translators to do their work in the browser. This comes in handy when you don’t have any CAT software installed on your computer. […]
You will find the TYPO3 Supertext Localizer here. It works the same way like the general Localization Manager for TYPO3 but with the added benefit that you get to connect […]
Preparation WordPress does not support multilingual content, so you will need a plugin for this if you don’t have one already. We recommend using either Polylang or WPML. Out of […]
Welcome to the wonderful world of GroupShare! At Supertext, you’ll come across two types of projects: file-based projects and server-based projects. Our server-based projects are hosted on GroupShare. To work […]
ATTENTION: This only works, if you don’t change anything in Contentful during the translation process. Your changes might get overwritten. The best way to translate your Contentful CMS is to […]
It is the web app, which is running in the browser, that sends the notifications through the browser to the OS (Windows, Android, macOS…). You can only get notifications if […]
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